This page (revision-18) was last changed on 31-May-2024 19:07 by 胡伟

This page was created on 12-Jul-2022 12:23 by 程龚

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18 31-May-2024 19:07 1 KB 胡伟 to previous
17 31-May-2024 19:07 1 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
16 30-Sep-2023 09:56 1 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
15 30-Sep-2023 09:54 1 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
14 30-Sep-2023 09:48 1 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
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5 21-Oct-2022 11:13 2 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
4 21-Oct-2022 11:11 2 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
3 21-Oct-2022 11:10 2 KB 胡伟 to previous | to last
2 12-Jul-2022 12:23 2 KB 程龚 to previous | to last
1 12-Jul-2022 12:23 4 KB 程龚 to last

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[English Version|Wei Hu]
%%(font-size:24pt) 最新信息请访问 [研究小组主页|] /%
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*__E-mail__: whu (at)
*__Address__: 163 Xianlin Ave., Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
*__Zipcode__: 210023
*__Office__: CS Bldg. 405; Mengminwei Bldg. 2611
*__Phone__: +86-25-89681523
*__邮箱__:whu (at) | whu.nju (at)
*__地址__:南京市栖霞区仙林大道 163 号
*__办公__:南大仙林计算机楼 405 室;南大鼓楼蒙民伟楼 2611 室
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I am an associate professor and PhD supervisor at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China.
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I obtained my PhD in Computer Software and Theory in 2009 and BS in Computer Science and Technology in 2005, both from Southeast University.
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I joined the faculty of Nanjing University in Dec. 2009.
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From Nov. 2007 to May 2008, I appointed as visiting student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, advised by Prof. [Frank van Harmelen|].
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From Sep. 2008 to Dec. 2008, I interned at IBM Research - China.
2005 年、2009 年分别于东南大学计算机学院获学士、博士学位。
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From Sep. 2014 to Sep. 2015, I appointed as visiting scholar at Stanford University, working with Prof. [Michel Dumontier|],
2009 年底加入南京大学工作至今。
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From Nov. 2016 to May 2017, I appointed as visiting scholar at University of Texas at Arlington, working with Prof. [Chengkai Li|],
2007 年 11 月至 2008 年 5 月赴荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学联合培养,指导老师为 [Frank van Harmelen|] 教授。
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From Jun. 2017 to Nov. 2017, I appointed as visiting professor at University of Toronto, working with Prof. [Sheila McIlraith|].
2008 年 9 月至 2008 年 12 月在 IBM 中国研究院实习。
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For more information, please visit my [group website|]
2014 年 9 月至 2015 年 9 月赴美国斯坦福大学访学,合作教授为 [Michel Dumontier|] 教授。
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!!!Research Interests
At present, my research is mainly about automatic extraction, semantic fusion and intelligent application of multi-source heterogeneous knowledge with big data:
*Deep knowledge representation: representation learning
*Heterogeneous knowledge fusion: ontology matching, entity alignment, truth inference
*Intelligent software R&D: knowledge-enhanced search/QA/recommender systems
*Cross-research in medicine: with National Institute of Health Data Science at Nanjing University
2016 年 11 月 至 2017 年 5 月赴美国德州大学阿灵顿分校访学,合作教授为 [Chengkai Li|] 教授。
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*For undergraduates: [Introduction to Databases|]
*For Postgraduates: [Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies|]
2017 年 6 月至 2017 年 11 月赴加拿大多伦多大学访学,合作教授为 [Sheila McIlraith|] 教授。
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Please visit the following links directly:
*[Google Scholar|]
*知识图谱,包括表示学习、大模型等技术。成果发表在 ICML、NeurIPS、WWW、AAAI、IJCAI、ACL 等人工智能领域著名会议,入选 AI 2000 最具影响力学者榜单。
*数据库,包括实体对齐、区块链等技术。成果发表在 SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、TKDE、VLDBJ 等数据库领域著名会议和期刊。
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!!!Fundings and Awards
*Representation Learning based RDF Data Linkage, NSFC 61872172
*Crowdsourcing Entity Linkage for the Semantic Web, NSFC 61370019
*Object Coreference Resolution on the Semantic Web, NSFC 61003018
*CCKS Best English Paper Award 2018
*Awardee of Nanjing University Study and Research Abroad Program 2013
*Outstanding Instructor for Nanjing University Undergraduate Innovation Program 2012
*JIST Best Paper Award 2011
*IBM China Excellent Student 2008
*ISWC Best Paper Nominee 2007
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!!!Professional Services
*Member of CCF Technical Committee on Databases
*Member of CIPSC Technical Committee on Language and Knowledge Computation
*Communication Member of CCF Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence
*Member of JSCS Technical Committee on Big Data
*Member of JSAI Technical Committee on Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Services
*W3C Advisory Committee Representative of Nanjing University
*Secretary of CS Department for Foreign Affairs
偷个懒,请直接访问 [Google Scholar 档案|] 或 [DBLP 页面|]
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*PhD students:
**Jiwei Ding (2015)
**Zequn Sun (2016)
**Jiacheng Huang (2019), Yuxin Wang (2019)
**Xiangrong Zhu (2020), Xinyi Wang (2020)
**Yuanning Cui (2021), Yang Liu (2021)
*Master students:
**2019: Yao Zhao, Botao Yu, Wenzheng Sui, Fengning Gao, Kailong Hao
**2020: Wei Cheng, Guangyao Li
**2021: Honghu Wu, Wenzheng Zhao
**2018: Zibo Wang, Hao Tang, Xiaobin Tian, Siyan Shen
*Graduated (year, first employment):
***Saisai Gong (2019, Pinduoduo)
***Hang Zhang (2013, Microsoft), Chuanlei Ni (2014, Standard Chartered), Cunxin Jia (2015, Google)
***Chengyue Jiang (2016, CETC-28), Honglei Qiu (2017, TP-Link), Hao Zhang (2018, SAIC Motor)
***Haoxuan Li (2019, Baidu), Lingbing Guo (2019, Zhejiang Univ.), Jiacheng Huang (2019, Nanjing Univ.)
***Ermei Cao (2020, Tecent), Qingheng Zhang (2020, Huawei), Xinze Lyu (2020, Huawei)
***Difeng Wang (2021, Alibaba), Shengguang Qiu (2021, KuaiShou), Chengming Wang (2021, Alibaba)