This page (revision-54) was last changed on 21-Feb-2025 13:04 by 程龚

This page was created on 12-Jul-2022 12:09 by 程龚

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
54 21-Feb-2025 13:04 989 bytes 程龚 to previous
53 27-Jan-2025 14:13 946 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
52 27-Jan-2025 14:13 946 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
51 18-Dec-2024 11:21 1 KB 程龚 to previous | to last
50 10-Dec-2024 22:24 1 KB 程龚 to previous | to last
49 04-Nov-2024 13:50 1 KB 程龚 to previous | to last
48 26-Sep-2024 19:22 973 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
47 26-Sep-2024 19:21 930 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
46 10-Sep-2024 18:08 925 bytes Websoft学生 to previous | to last
45 10-Sep-2024 18:07 926 bytes Websoft学生 to previous | to last
44 15-Aug-2024 00:22 926 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
43 31-Jul-2024 09:20 985 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
42 01-Jul-2024 15:40 942 bytes 程龚 to previous | to last
41 18-May-2024 09:00 984 bytes 胡伟 to previous | to last

Page References

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Version management

Difference between version and

At line 5 changed 6 lines
*2024-07: One paper was accepted by ISWC.
*2024-06: Two papers were accepted by ISWC.
*2024-05: Four papers were accepted by ACL (main).
*2024-04: One paper was accepted by IJCAI.
*2024-03: Two papers were accepted by SIGIR.
*2024-03: Two papers were accepted by NAACL.
*2025-02: One paper was accepted by TKDE.
*2025-02: One paper was accepted by NAACL.
*2024-12: One paper was accepted by KBS.
*2024-12: One paper was accepted by AAAI.
*2024-10: One paper received ASE Distinguished Paper Award.
*2024-09: Two papers were accepted by NeurIPS.
At line 13 changed one line
[{Image src='Students-2020-10.jpeg' width='800'}]
[{Image src='students-2024-06.jpg' width='800'}]