NJVR is a vocabulary repository extracted from the index of the Falcons search engine, maintained by the Websoft Research Group at Nanjing University. It is devoted to providing the research community a representative sample of the real Semantic Web for conducting experiments and evaluations about all kinds of vocabulary-oriented research problems.
This version of NJVR contains 1,763 vocabularies (a.k.a. ontologies), comprising a total of 61,349 terms (i.e. classes and properties).
NJVR consists of two TSV files and a ZIP archive of RDF documents.
Each line of vocabulary.tsv provides the following tab-separated information about a vocabulary:
Each line of term.tsv provides the following tab-separated information about a term:
RDF documents in documents.zip are named DOCUMENT_ID.rdf.
Gong Cheng, Min Liu, Yuzhong Qu. NJVR: The NanJing Vocabulary Repository. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th Chinese Semantic Web Symposium and the 1st Chinese Web Science Conference, pages 265--272, 2013.